Do You Live in a High Vibration Country?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Did you know that different countries, areas, people, places, objects all have a vibration?

Well they do and some have a High Vibe that makes you feel good and some have a low vibration that makes you feel - well bad! So it makes sense to find out all the good ones and soak them up so that we can spend as much time as possible feeling good!

When I visited America last February, I had this feeling that the energy and vibrations in America would be higher than in the UK, and when I arrived I was disappointed! The energy is definitely higher in America, or at least the places I visited in America (but I do feel it is the whole of America) than in the UK.

I arrived in New York and it was freezing! I'm not really a city person and I'm not keen on crowds of people either - way too many mixed energies flying around for some one who is so empathic! but to my surprise, I did actually feel good in New York! and then when I started to do my daily energy work - wow, did the energies fly out! It was amazing! I was totally blown away at how much easier it was to release energies in America than at home in the UK. It was like at home the energies hit a black cloud and had to wade through this black cloud before they would really shift out, whilst in America they just flew away into cyber space and were gone!

I also visited Los Angeles, which thankfully was so much warmer! Winter to the locals, but after the UK and New York it really felt warm and much like our summer! The energies were really high there too, with the added bonus that I was close to the beach and sea. I just love the sea (ocean to you Americans!) as it feels so expansive and like it working with you to clear out all the unwanted energies. So I really enjoyed being in LA, well near the beach in LA not the city and traffic!!

Soaking up the Sun & High Vibes, eating outside in Feb in LA!

After that I went to Orlando so my girls could visit Harry Potter World. They were just so excited about this and it was wonderful that I was able to take them there, it was like a dream come true to them!  I missed the sea! and drove to the beach on the east coast a couple of times. It is a very different energy on the east coast beaches - more a rugged and natural feel to it.

It is amazing how different places can have such different energy and vibrations and when you are tuned in you can really feel this and soak it up - or repel it if it's not good!

So GREAT NEWS! - I am visiting California again in April. This time I will be visiting San Francisco area and then LA area. I am really looking forward to going on a tram (trolley bus?) which we see in the movies and to see and cross the Golden Bridge!  Then to soak up some sun in LA and visit the wonderful and amazingly long beaches!

Those of you who know my energy work, already know how powerful it is - well it is even more powerful in person! So please do check out my USA schedule and meet me in San Francisco or LA and get a copy of Loving You signed!

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