Do You Struggle to Feel Loved & Happy?
Wednesday, March 04, 2015I have noticed from the healing and energy work that I do that some people just seem to be naturally happy and filled with joy, whilst others really struggle to feel any happiness or joy at all. Why is this?
Some people are born into loving families and have parents who truly love them and they feel really loved and cherished and then there are those who are born into a life where they are not loved from birth.
It has been scientifically proven by observing and watching babies who are loved by their parents and ones who are just given the minimum attention in orphanages and then checking on their progress later on in life, that those babies who are given love at birth and as babies grow up to be happier and more balanced and more successful. Whilst those not given any love at birth and as babies will have difficulties and issues.
So those who received and felt loved from birth will be the happy people, who seem to see the good all the time and easily bounce through life and any issues without too much strife. Whilst those lacking in love will really have a struggle on their hands, and will be those who get stuck in depression, feeling suicidal and what's the point of being alive and this is not their conscious choice and not something that can just be snapped out of. They are emotionally deprived of love and that is affecting all of their emotions and they are emotionally out of balance. Our emotions affect our physical health too, so then that will also go downhill and life is just hard.
Love is actually a very basic human need. When we feel loved we feel more confident, communicative and able to mix with the world and get on with our lives.
When we haven't experienced love, then we are in a state of lack - lack of love, which is a basic need to our emotional well being and our emotions are so strong that they will affect our physical health, so feeling loved is vital to just feeling good and healthy.
Obviously there are many different levels and degrees of how loved or unloved we feel and that will change during our life, but those who didn't feel loved at birth will always have this deep longing and need to be loved, and this need is so strong, it is almost like the rest of your life won't work properly until you do feel loved.
The problem is, that by the Laws of the Universe, we attract that we which we have stored within us, so if we haven't experienced love and don't have any love stored in us then how can we attract it?
Well we can't, which is the big issue for those who are in this situation. This is why it is so important that we find ways to give love to ourselves so that we do have those vibrations stored in us so we can attract love into our lives from others.
The process of learning to love yourself can be very challenging when we have never really felt loved. It is almost a foreign concept. This is why I was guided to write my book, Loving You, so that I could share information with those most in need, of how they can learn to love themselves and start to fill up with Love Vibrations.
It is only when we have some vibrations of love stored in our energy field that we can attract love from others, and the more vibrations of love we can fill up with then the stronger the magnetic energy of love is in us.
So if you don't feel loved and this has been a big issue for you most or all of your life, then please know that this is not your fault. If you have tried to feel joy and gratitude and not been able to, then again, this is not your fault. You cannot feel something that doesn't exist in you, but you can choose to find ways to add these vibrations to your energy so you can start to feel them and really shift your life so you can live the rest of your life in joy, happiness and love.
My book, Loving You, is light-hearted and fun to read! And whilst you are enjoying reading it, there are powerful healing energies and releasing energy at work, changing your energy and your beliefs so that it becomes so much easier for you to connect to love, especially loving yourself.
If you don't feel loved then you owe it to yourself to take action to feel loved, so you can have the life you have always dreamed off. So please do invest just $8.99 and buy Loving You, so you have a book that you will treasure and use often, even daily with the powerful energy releases written in it, to help feel love for yourself and take steps in a new wonderful life!
I also have wonderful audio package, Love and Self-Love which will release the blocks and barriers to loving yourself, again allowing you to shift into a new life of feeling and being loved.
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