New Year - What You Expected or Feeling Disappointed?
Friday, January 08, 2016
Many of us have been really excited about the start of the New Year, with this deep inner feeling that this year is going to be amazing! Energies are going to shift, planets are aligned for big change, Light is going to flow more, life is going to be easier for us and dreams and desires are finally going to manifest - Yay!!
So we start the year with huge expectations of all this good flowing to us and then ....
What happens?
We find ourselves feeling emotional, things break down, we feel really tired and well . . . life is just feeling really hard work and this isn't what we expected or sent out for! So why are we still going through all this clearing when we have done so much and we are being told the planets have aligned this is going to a be year of amazing and sudden change?
I believe that the full moon on Christmas Day along with such amazing New Year Eve's Celebrations around the world have added so much extra Light to the world that this is pushing out all energies, patterns and aspects of our life that aren't in alignment with the new Pure Divine Energies flowing in and this clear out has been quite intense and wasn't really expected.
This shows how much our intention, especially huge global intention can shift the vibration of the world! If you watch the firework celebrations on You Tube around the world, you can feel all that amazing celebration and exciting energy being added to the global vibration. I am sure this has caused the vibration of the world to raise and this has resulted in extra unexpected releasing and clearing out of old patterns, beliefs and energies that aren't in Divine Integrity and serving us.
The clearing may continue throughout January and will vary in intensity for each person, depending on their life, stored magnets and ability to let go. Once this clearing is done then the good can and will flow in. It's a bit like a waterfall, if we have powerful energy flowing out to clear us then the good can't really come in at the same time, against the flow of the waterfall, but once that has stopped then the good can flow in and build up to a powerful waterfall of good flowing to us!
The other thing to remember, and I have reminded myself of this several times this year already, (typing this on the 8th Jan!) that 2016 is 52 weeks long, and all the good forecast isn't necessarily going to flow in the first 2 weeks, in fact it is less likely to flow in those because of the above reasons. We have the rest of the year for all this good to flow to us, so please don't be despondent if your New Year hasn't started as well as you expected, the clearing out is a very important part of allowing the good to flow and there is plenty of 2016 left for the good to flow to us - keep reading your dreams and desires every day with passion and you will be attracting them to you with guided action!
Have a wonderful January and may all your dreams and desires flow to you in 2016!
& Remember it all starts with Loving You!
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Love, Light & Blessings