Are You Open to Receiving?
Monday, February 29, 2016This may sound like a strange question, with the answer being a resounding - 'yes of course.' However, I am an energy worker and the work I do goes deep, so I'm not looking for the obvious on the surface answer! So let me ask again and this time 'feel' your response:-
Are You Open to Receiving?
- What did you feel?
- Is your answer the same this time?
- Are you wondering now?
- And maybe questioning your answer?
- I mean, why am I asking you this question?
Well the answer to that is because it could well be a big block to you receiving money, wealth, prosperity and flowing abundance.
I have done much energy work on myself and others to shift out energies of:-
- Lack, not enough
- Not good enough, not deserving
- Poverty, lack and vows of poverty
- Being stuck in lack and not being able to earn
This energy work has been really powerful and has gone very deep, and some people who have worked with my 'Releasing Lack of Wealth' audio have had quick and amazing results! However, others still seem stuck and this leads to many questions as to why. If we have removed all the blocks of lack and not being good enough, all vows of poverty etc, what else can there be?
Well, whilst doing energy work on a group program, I did energy work on 'receiving'. I don't why I did this, because the program wasn't about wealth, but when we are 'in flow' then we do 'out of nowhere' things. The energy releasing for 'receiving' was huge! I posted in the group that lots of energy was releasing on receiving and there were some comments that people resonated with this, and it was making them dig deeper.
Then this morning I had a realisation. I was thinking about someone offering to buy me a drink, and my reply was going to be no, so I went deeper into this and I discovered that I didn't want people to spend money on me because it would mean that they would control me in someway. Most people don't give from their hearts, and my experience of life has been that when someone gives to you, it means either something is expected in return, or you are going to be under their control - as if you have literally been bought!
So if you have this belief, deep in your energy somewhere, then you are not instantly going to be open to receiving, because it doesn't feel safe to receive. However, this belief and experience is cutting off your ability to have money and abundance flow to you.
We need to be able to use our feelings to discern and know whether someone is giving from their heart and has Divine integrity or if they have an alteria motive. Also we need to release the belief that everyone is wanting to rip us off and take advantage of us, because even if this has been true in our past, if we don't let this go, it will be true for our present and future also, and that's not we want!
Energy releasing is very powerful and gives amazing results. Sometimes we need to dig a little deeper to find out what the block is and what needs releasing, but when we find it and it's gone then our life becomes so much better!
What is stopping and blocking you? If you are new to energy work then do visit my website and download my free audio on the home page. Listen and notice how different you feel. Energy is all about feelings and we are so programmed to think! When we allow ourselves to come out of our heads and into our hearts, then amazing things can happen!
Sending much Love, Light & Blessings
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