International Divine Energy Healer

Friday, September 19, 2014

Hi, I am Michelle Carter, and welcome to my blog!

I am an International Divine Channel Energy Channel, with a mission to help make the world a happier and more peaceful place and to help anyone who is feeling stuck in their lives to get out of feeling stuck and to move into higher vibrations and a much better life in 'Divine Flow'.

I am an International Divine Channel Energy Channel, with a mission to help make the world a happier and more peaceful place and to help anyone who is feeling stuck in their lives to get out of feeling stuck and to move into higher vibrations and a much better life in 'Divine Flow'.

My mission is:-

 To live in a world where people feel 'Happy for no Reason' 
& 'Random Acts of Kindness' happen all the time.  

This may well already be the case for some, but from my experiences of working with and help so many people stuck in low and dark places, it is far from the truth. I feel so blessed to have a gift to help these people change their lives and shift into higher vibrations and experience happiness, light heartedness and move into having flow come into their lives and living all the bad and struggle behind.

So this blog is about me sharing my experiences of both my life and my work as a Divine Channel, to help and inspire as many people as possible who are stuck in their lives to know there IS an alternative.

If you feel alone and cut off, not understood, totally isolated in a place of despair, then please do consider joining my membership group, where you will receive love and support from like minded souls who are shifting out of the low energy and bad times into much higher vibrations and happy times ahead.

Please do visit my website where you will find more information about me, some You Tube video clips, FREE Gifts & Samples of my work and more information about Energy and how Energy Releasing and Healing can change your life.

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