Your Heart's Desire & Your Soul Purpose

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Is Your Heart's Desire different to Your Soul Purpose?

I think many people get confused about what is your heart's desire and what is your soul purpose and how do you know which is which or how to connect to each.

To explain this, I feel we need to chat a bit about our connections to ourselves and the universe. We have connections with our mind, heart and soul, so let's discuss these a bit more:-

Mind connection - this is all the beliefs and programming we have that keep popping up as thoughts in our mind. These can be from parents, family, school, teachers, society, religion, media and just life and even from past lives! These can really influence how we think and what we believe, so it is important that we question all the beliefs we have to see if they are true for us.

Heart Connection - this is our LOVE connection! It is how we connect to the world through our feelings. When we have an open heart and allow love to flow freely through us then we can feel what makes our heart sing and what makes us happy. This can be an activity, people anything that really lifts us into a really happy, elated feeling.

Soul Connection - this is our connection to Divine source energy, our true essence and our inner selves. Our connection to the power of the universe and our Divine guidance. Life is so much easier when we can feel our guidance and know we are on the right path.

So what makes your heart sing can be different to your soul purpose. I have a very strong Divine connection with the ability to channel very powerful Divine energies to shift blocks for people and help them to move forwards with their lives. Part of my work has moved into public speaking and also now into video work. When the first happened, I was questioning it and had moments of panic, thinking this is not my heart's desire! This was on my never do list, so why am I now doing this? The reason being is that it is part of my soul purpose and a very important part of it.  I need to share my gifts and abilities with others to help more people, and so I was guided that I needed to release my 'false beliefs' around public speaking that were there due to bad past experiences.

So having found, understood and accepted my soul purpose, I still felt something was missing, because whilst I really enjoy my gifts and helping others, it didn't feel like it was my heart's desire. So I went inside and asked and felt what is my heart's desire? The answer I felt was really deep within me, and it was to 'Live in Love', to share true pure love with someone who wishes to live in pure love. 

I know many people say that we should be whole and complete as we are and to not need anyone else or rely on anyone else, and I do see that point of view, but to me the most wonderful feeling in the world is to SHARE JOY & LOVE with others. When my new book arrived on my doormat yesterday, it was wonderful to have my daughter home as I opened the package and saw my printed book for the first time! It was really exciting to share this experience with her and to jump up and down, laugh and take photos to remember the moment!

If she hadn't been home then the moment would have felt a bit flat with no-one to share it with. I felt so excited that I shared the moment on my Facebook page, with a photo taken just after my book, Loving You, arrived.  The joy I have felt reading all the loving and supportive comments posted has been amazing and has made the moment even more special!

So to me life is about sharing joy & love.

And the ultimate experience of that is to 'Live in Love' with someone who wishes to do the same. 

So you can have a soul purpose that is a mission, gift and helping others and a heart's desire that brings you joy and the two need to compliment and work together to support and strengthen all you do.

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