How to not take on other People's Negativity & Upsetting Comments.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I was asked this from a member in one of my groups today, and thought that many people would love to know the answer to this, so I've made it into a blog article so this helpful advice can be shared with the world!

 'Michelle, I do not really get or know how to just let all the negative energy flow over and not let it pass through my energy and spirit.'

So how can we just 'let it flow over us and not upset or affect us?'

Well anything that is coming from someone else, whether it is a comment, look, or a feeling of bad energy, is THEIR energy and NOT YOURS!

When you really totally understand and accept this then it is so much easier to just listen, see and notice without attaching to their comment and energy field.

If I feel I am being triggered, and I do have a full understanding of the above, but that doesn't instantly stop the triggers! but it does allow me to choose how I react, and I will say to myself - this is not your energy, beliefs etc it is theirs, so don't connect to it, and strangely enough just saying this and setting this intention can be enough to stop you getting upset.

If you are very empathic and easily upset, which I used to be and would feel so many energies that weren't mine, then you can say to whatever it is you're feeling - 'sending to source', which is a statement of 'this isn't mine, I'm not accepting it, please send it to source'.  I found this really amazing and useful, and once I'd discovered it I was saying it all the time, which got exhausting! So I recorded it as an audio and played it on loop instead, which was so much easier, especially as it still worked on silent, so I could take it out with me whilst shopping in town and being in crowds of people, a real life-saver!

Another great tool is to fill and surround yourself with Divine Light and ask for it to radiate out from you and between all energetic connections between you and other people and situations that you don't want to connect with. Again if you're not confident at doing this yourself then I have an audio, Divine Protection, that does all of this for you, which you can play on silent again and take out with you.

So the answer is to set the intention to not accept other people's energy and imagine it flows through you like wind blows through the leaves on a tree, unless it's a hurricane the tree remains unaffected by the wind, and you can be unaffected by other people if you let their energy flow around or through you with the intention that it's not going to connect to you.

If you find this difficult to do then try my empathic audios or Divine protection audio to help you repel energies that are not yours.

Life can be so much easier and more enjoyable when we understand how energy works!

You will find some great information in my new book too! Loving You.

Much Love & Many Blessings Michelle xx

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