Whose Life are You Living?
Thursday, November 06, 2014
This may sound like a strange question, but it isn't, because so many people are living the life that their parents, teachers or society has pushed them into.
We follow systems, starting with school and college and then age 20 are you doing what you wanted to do? By 30 most people are stuck in a rut and it seems an impossible task to get out of it and change your life.
So are you living the life you want? A life that feels exciting and really fun to live?
If not then it is time for some changes and this for many is a very daunting task. However, when we have the right advice and tools, tasks can become so much easier .....so what is the right tool to help you change your life?
My book - Loving You has been written to help you in an easy step by step manor, to read the next chapter and then read the next chapter and each time you do this the energy healing in the book is working on you to dissolve and remove the blocks and resistance you have to change and being able to change your life.
It is easy to read, like having a personal chat with me! Light hearted and fun, but with some really great advice, exercises and information that will transform your life. The energy healing in the book is very powerful and works even if you don't believe in it or don't feel anything.
Loving You is one of those books that you will want to keep close at hand, as there is energy in the front cover and people are reporting feeling energy and heat just holding the book!
Each time you read it you will hear something different and learn something else new as your awareness opens up and you move closer to your dream life!
Available from top bookstores and global websites:-
Balboa Press
amazon.com, amazon.co.uk
Barnes & Noble
W H Smith