Are You LIVING or just existing?

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

I read a quote many years ago with this message:-

'You can't please everyone in your life, 
so please yourself, then at least one person is happy!' smile emoticon

There is such truth in this, and when we are happy we radiate happiness to those around us, without any conscious effort.

When we aren't happy, and are trying to please others, be a certain person, or live a life that is out of alignment with ourselves, then life is a daily struggle!

So the first thing we need to do, to feel happy and please ourselves, is to acknowledge if we are living our lives for ourselves or for others. Always putting others before ourselves is a long term recipe for disaster and unhappiness, as I'm sure we are all aware and have been there! 

The global energies are really saying - 'Live as You' not to please others, because when we are genuinely happy, we will inspire and uplift others. 

Now, is the time to really go inwards and 'feel' if you are happy with all that you are doing. Notice how you feel when doing all the things you do each day. What gives you a good, happy, alive feeling? And what gives you a switched off or even worse, sinking feeling?

To really truly feel happy we need to be spending our time / life doing things that make us feel good. So if your life is full of things that feel low, depressed, switched off, or sinking and dreading then it is time to add some 'Feel Good' into your life!

This is easier than you might think, and as with life in general, it is done in small steps, with success being achieved 'one step at a time' and to keep taking the next step and then the next step!

So what do you love? I love:-

  • Smelling roses and rose scents, 
  • Eating dark chocolate, 
  • Looking at inspiring images, 
  • Walking by the sea, 
  • Roses, 
  • Filling with Divine Energies, 
  • Holding and looking at crystals, (especially selenite), 
  • Feeling warmth when I'm cold, and cool when I'm hot,
  • Resting and relaxing when I feel tired!

Adding these to your life is really quite easy and doesn't cost much, and some are free! You can google beach images for free, or mountains, lakes, waterfalls, whatever feels good for you and spend a few minutes soaking up the energies. It is amazing how having little breaks from life, throughout your day, will have a major accumulative affect at the end of a day, week, month and so on. The more we look after ourselves the easier our life becomes.

The major life decisions become easier, like changing your job, home, relationship or anything else that really is causing you more upset than good. 

If something doesn't make you feel good, then really it needs to GO! Be totally honest with yourself so you can make changes and find happiness.

LIVE YOUR LIFE - don't just exist!

My book Loving You - Discover Your True Inner Self will show you have to find your inner passion and to really start to live!

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