High & Low Vibrations

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Highs & Lows

We now know that everything is energy. It is also true that every single object, person, sound, smell, emotion etc has a vibration. These vibrations have been measured with scientific equipment and given a numerical value, which shows how high or low that particular energy is.

We also know that it is a Universal Law that Like Attracts Like.

YOU are energy, YOU have a vibration and as like attracts like, what vibrations of energy is your vibration attracting?  What vibrations are you surrounding yourself with, listening to, looking at? Are you fully AWARE of everything that is effecting you and your vibration?

If you are not, then you are being bombarded with low vibrations all day every day, because our lives and world today are full of them!

Only someone who is totally aware of this can take the required action to not be adversely effected by all of these low vibrations each day.

This action will include avoiding as many low vibrations as possible, surrounded themselves by high vibrations and cleansing and releasing low vibrations daily from your energy field, just as we wash and clean our teeth each day.

It is known that emotions have a very powerful energy, far more powerful than thoughts or words alone. This is why we are told to imagine or visual the emotion or energy of what we desire, as this will attract what we desire far more quickly then just thinking about it or repeating affirmations to attract it.
Positive emotions have a high vibration, such as happy, joy, love, peace, gratitude. Negative emotions have a low vibration such as anger, hate, jealousy, bitterness, grief, sadness, guilt, shame. 
So back to Like attracts Like, the first place to eliminate low vibrations is by avoiding people with low emotions and releasing any low emotions from our energy field. Some of these emotions are going to be very well hidden, under layers and layers of protection or programming.  

You can have 2 people reading a script of say positive affirmations out aloud for 30 minutes, one person has a very high vibration, a very positive, happy, joyful, enlightened person and the other is a very negative, depressing, dark person. The words are the same, will you receive the same effect from each person? No! You will receive the vibration of the person reading the words, either a good, high vibration or a negative, low vibration. Would you even know this? This is how influenced we all are, without even being aware - enlightening information!

Is each person going to be effected to the same extent by the vibrations around us? Again no! The extent to which someone is effected by the vibrations around them is directly linked to their own vibration. To make this a bit clearer to understand let’s imagine a pair of old fashion scales or a see-saw. If we have high, positive vibrations on one side and low, negative vibrations on the other side, then the side with the most is the dominant vibration. If we consider this as numbers also, if there was 50:50 on each side then the scales would be balanced, if we have 51:49 the vibration with 51% would be dominant over the other, just! This would only be slightly visible when looking at the scales. However, if we had 75% to 25% then this would be far more obvious and visible and we had 99% to 1% then it would be totally obvious!

Again, referring back to like attracts like, it is also true that opposites repel! When someone’s vibration is 51% high, then they can attract all vibrations because they are in the middle, but will have a slight lean towards high vibrations as that is the majority. If their vibration is 75% then they will attract far more high vibrations to them and will be repelling low vibrations, thus making it easier to stay in their high vibration. When someone’s vibration is 99% high then they will only attract high vibrations, low vibrations will be repelled by both parties! This is excellent news, imagine how many different vibrations there are hiding inside infinity! If we didn’t have the amazing Law of Attraction working for us then trying to fill an infinite being with Pure high vibrations would be impossible! 

Check out these FREE sample releases and notice how different you feel!

More information, articles, audios and releasing packages at www.pureloveforever.com

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