Healing Illness & Emotions.
Saturday, September 20, 2014Energy Releasing
It is a fairly well known fact that 90% of all illness is caused by stress, but what causes the stress?!! Well, negative energies that influence our mind, body or spirit and 'invade' our energy field cause us stress. These energies can be other people's opinions & beliefs, but can also be other energetic vibrations such as mobile phones, toxic exhaust fumes and other smells, food & drink that don't suit our bodies, feelings in us that we feel we can't change and so on. So 'Releasing' is all about getting rid of all these negative energies from our energy field so that we can 'feel' good!
Energy Releasing is a method of getting rid of all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and patterns that are not allowing us to be our True Selves. It is a simple method to do, which anyone can do to release their 'own junk', however most people like to have some help and guidance to do something which is a bit 'weird' and almost the opposite of what we have been led to believe most of our lives! Releasing unwanted, low vibrational energy will raise the vibration of your energy field and provide a happier, healthier environment for your body to live in.
To release something, you just simply say to yourself ‘I release all energies relating to ……’ eg if you wish to release your feelings about a conversation you’ve just had with someone that has left you feeling upset or angry, then you would say, ‘I release all energies relating to the conversation with …..’
YES - it IS that simple!! Check out some guidelines if you’d like to give it a go!
Free Energy!
However, it can get more in depth with our deepest core beliefs and some issues have so much energy attached to them that they do need a higher energy to release them. This is why so many people seek the services and tools of Energy Healers. It feels safer for them and the Energy Healer is able, with their higher vibration, to release energies that would remain to heavy for the individual to release on their own at that time.
More info at www.pureloveforever.com