Are You Being Told to do Something that just doesn't Feel Right?

Friday, February 06, 2015

No one has the right to tell you what to do!  (outside of the law)

It doesn't matter whether this is a family member, a friend, someone at work, a teacher or coach or even a spiritual leader or guru - nobody has the right to make you feel bad or guilty.

Now of course, it is also very true to say:-

 'that no-one can make you feel bad without your consent'

which means we all have a choice whether to accept and take on board what someone is saying, or to not allow it to affect us.

However, there can be times when the amount of energy attached to this is rather overwhelming, making it quite challenging to not be affected by the comments or beliefs and if we are already in a delicate state and feeling really emotional then it can be just too much to take on this challenge.

One of these challenges for me was the issue of forgiveness, which I have already written an article about. For me, the energy from all the spiritual teachings saying we should forgive everyone, regardless of what has happened, was huge and as I am very sensitive to energy it was totally overwhelming for me to deal with, at a time when I was in total shock, upset and trauma and really needed lots of love, comfort and support.

When we look up to the 'spiritual teachers' and believe and trust that everything they say is true, but find ourselves feeling and from taking on this information, we have to wonder what is going on here? If you are already feeling stressed and upset then probably, like me, the first thing you do is to assume you are in the wrong and need to sort yourself out!

However, when our life goes into a crisis moment, we do actually have a very strong connection with our souls and guidance, and the feelings we have are usually guiding us. It is so important that we always check in with our guidance and discern whenever we feel something isn't right.

I hear so many stories from clients, where their lives started to go wrong because they were drawn into something or someone because it was popular or the latest trend or recommendation, but if they had really tuned into their soul and guidance they would have picked up strongly that this was not right for them and avoided so much heart ache.

So please remember:-


Not parents, teachers, doctors, coaches or spiritual gurus. Those who really love and care for you will give you information and then tell you to discern and do what feels right for you.

Telling someone how to live their life is a form of control and is taking you away from your own guidance and inner power. So always discern and check what feels right for you and if in doubt then don't do it! If it is right then your guidance will make it so obvious and clear to you that you will feel good about it.

Always choose to Love You first!

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