Do You Wonder Why You Are Here?

Sunday, February 08, 2015

I have had many days of wondering why am I here, what is life all about, what is the point of being alive and that is a tough place to live from.

With much energy work to release many low vibrations and dark energies I now don't think, 'what is the point of being alive'.  I know my purpose in life is to help those who are stuck low places and surrounded by so many low dark, dense energies that it's not possible for them to shift out of this place on their own.

There are so many ways to be stuck in a dark place, chronic and severe illness, severe grief and loss, feeling stuck in lack, poverty and having no way out, or a job that you don't like and feeling like you just exist to pay bills. Then there can be those who have much money, fame and success from an outward point of view, but who have doubts and fears around being good enough and have to deal with the press and huge issues of being judged all the time.

So life isn't really roses for many. Money isn't the answer to happiness.

As I said earlier, I know my reason for being alive is to help others find a better way of living. To release the energies keeping them stuck so they can raise their vibration and live a happier life. However, sometimes seeing so much bad going on in the world can make you feel really angry that the world isn't filled with Love, Peace & Joy, but has so many evil minded people in it.

And then there is all the programming that we should only see the good, which I know is true to a point, and is something I often write posts about myself to help and inspire people, but sometimes I feel like shouting out to the world - 'there is all this bad going on and it needs to change!'

Whilst I no longer have days of why am I here and what's the point of being alive, I do sometimes have days of feeling - 'do I really have to be on the crazy planet surrounded by twisted rules and laws and some really evil people?'  and of course, it's probably not the 'spiritual thing' to actually say that, let alone write it in a blog, but it is true!

And for the world to change then we need to see the True Picture.

There is good and bad and the bad needs to go. If we all ignore and pretend there is no bad then how is it going to be changed?

If no-one is willing to stand up for change then the vibration of earth will remain the same as it is.
If we take action for positive change then the vibration of earth will raise and we will all feel the benefits.

So if you are in that dark place of wondering why you are here, then please know that life can and will be better than it is now for you. There are answers and solutions and there are many good, kind hearted souls working really hard to raise the vibration of the world, so life will feel better for us all.

To help shift your life into a better place, it is good to connect to things that make you feel good, or if you are in that place where you can't do this, and can only feel the bad, then write it all down, express it, let it all out! You can burn it, hit delete - whatever will help you to release it, and it's a good idea to ask for it all to be released as you read it back to yourself, before burning it etc.

Keeping any emotions bottled up inside is like collecting fireworks - one day they will explode! So don't bottle up your emotions find a way to release them so you can feel better.

I actually started to write this blog because I was feeling really angry with the world, rules, injustice, nasty people etc & I was thinking, 'please beam up from here, I don't belong on this crazy planet full of twisted beliefs and evil behaviour! & if I must live on earth, can I please live on a desert island in the sun away from the craziness!'

Now I feel much calmer, just from typing this out! and I could hit delete and then no-one would know I even had all these thoughts and feelings, but I know that I'm not the only with these type of feelings and that by sharing how I feel, I often really help others to feel it is ok to how those feelings too.

Our feelings are usually the Truth 
and that needs acknowledging and acting upon, 
not ignoring.  

So having and feeling these feelings isn't bad. How we deal with them is what is important, can we release them and use the energy to create justice or will we store them and create more bad energy?

Whatever is going on in your life, please send much Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Truth & Justice to it - it may sound nothing, but it is actually very powerful. The Universe is more Powerful than our human lives and systems, so when human means let you down, turn to Divine energies and the Power of the Universe to give you the results you desire. This still require human action, but it will be Divinely guided action to bring about Divine results and justice.

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